Therapeutic Massage
About Therapeutic Massage
Therapeutic Massage is a combination of Sports, Hot Stones Massage, Medical Massage, Shiatsu and Reiki, tailored to each person’s needs.
For an in-depth treatment of specific problems e.g. lower back pain or frozen shoulder, whiplash, and all soft tissue pain conditions and/or a thorough head to toe deep-releasing luxury treatment.
It will speed up muscle injury recovery and improve organ function, circulation and posture, and leave you with a wonderful sense of well being.
Practitioner: Gillian Steer

Rediscover your well-being
I have nearly 30 years experience of treating bodies. My first training was in Shiatsu, so I approach the body as a whole and consider the flow of energy in the person when treating pain and tension. Each treatment is tailored to the individual and what is needed on that day. For example, chronic headaches can be treated by releasing trigger points in the neck and/ or shoulder but also, because of dehydration in the tissues, fascia work may be indicated, acupressure points could be useful to balance the liver. In addition there may be a level of emotional stress and /or the client just needs a thoroughly relaxing treatment to help switch off and recharge. It could be one or several of these factors.
I assess what approach to take through the clients words and listening to the body with my hands. I use hot and/ or cold stones, where appropriate, in most of my treatments. The addition of a hot stone, used to iron out deep tension has to be experienced. I incorporate myofascial release where appropriate in a treatment. Fascia is the soft tissue part of the connective tissue that provides support and protection for most structures within the human body, including muscle. It connects everything to everything. This soft tissue can become restricted due to overuse, trauma, dehydration, infection or inactivity, resulting in pain or muscle tension and/or a general feeling of restriction. It feels wonderful to have it released.
Massage Qualifications
Shiatsu – British School of Shiatsu-Do (Japanese body work based on the meridian system to re-balance the body), 1985 Reiki – Hands-on healing promoting the person’s own healing and producing a wonderful sense of well-being (teacher level), 1989-2001 Sports Massage – Muscle focused training, 2003 Indian head massage, 1992 Jing training (Advanced training), 2009-2011Clinical medical massage series includes training in:
- Lower back pain
- Neck and shoulder and shoulder girdle
- Hip and pelvis
- Carpel tunnel and arm pain
- Leg knee and foot
- Advanced stretching
- Myofascial release
- Hot stone therapy
‘Gillian was recommended to me by a friend as I had chronic back and shoulder pain, I literally couldn’t move and lying still was also pretty painful. In the space of two hours she had dissolved the worst of the muscular trauma, identified the broader context of why it was happening, and given me tools to protect myself from these issues in future. I could actually walk, stand, move around, and I was back at work the next day. Hugely impressed with Gillian I continued to see her at regular intervals, both to keep an eye on the muscular tension. I always left her sessions feeling alive, inspired, and better equipped to deal with the world. She is a true healer, a rare gem, and you will be glad you found her.’